Cathy's Garden Fresh Cooking Blog

Berries and Honeysuckle

fresh picked strawberries

It has been a busy couple weeks! My strawberries have exploded and I’ve been picking baskets everyday! We have eaten them by the handfuls, in oatmeal, with yogurt, strawberry pancakes and I churned a half gallon of strawberry sherbet. I have frozen gallons of them that we will be able to enjoy all winter long. A fresh ripened, pesticide free berry picked from the garden is as sweet as sugar and the flavor is incredible.

fresh picked mulberries

The mulberry tree down from me on the roadside is loaded with berries. I have been picking the ones I can reach, eating as I go and freezing the rest. I like to mix them in with other berries especially black berries in pies, cobblers and crisps.

honeysuckle flowers

My Uncles friend told me in China they pick the honeysuckle flowers and make tea with them called gold and white tea. This makes sense since the flowers on the honeysuckle vine are white and yellow. I picked a sheet tray full and dried them, it smelled wonderful as it was drying reminding me of jasmine tea. I’ll let you know how my cup of tea tastes.

My red currant bush is full and I just started picking them. Rhubarb, herbs, lettuce and sorrel are all lush too as well as the weeds! It’s an exciting time of year as well as a busy one. You know where to find me, out in the garden, enjoy the season.

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